track UniProtKBTracks shortLabel UniProtKB tracks longLabel UniProtKB Positional Features and Proteome sequences visibility dense type bigBed 12 itemRgb on compositeTrack on html UniProtKB allButtonPair on track variants parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB variants longLabel UniProtKB reviewed protein altering variants. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name,annotationId,uniProtId urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ xrefs=$$ mouseOverField mutation exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track active_site parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB act-site longLabel UniProtKB active site sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track binding_site parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB binding longLabel UniProtKB binding site sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track Ca_binding_site parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB Ca-binding longLabel UniProtKB Calcium binding site sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track carbohydrate_binding_site parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB carbohyd longLabel UniProtKB glycosylation sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track chain parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB chain longLabel UniProtKB chain sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track coiled parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB coiled longLabel UniProtKB coiled coil sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track crosslink parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB crosslnk longLabel UniProtKB cross-link between proteins sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track disulfide_bonds parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB disulfide longLabel UniProtKB disulfide sequence annotations. visibility dense type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track DNA_binding parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB DNA-bind longLabel UniProtKB DNA binding site sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track domains parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB domain longLabel UniProtKB domain sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track intramem parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB intramem longLabel UniProtKB intramembrane sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track lipid parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB lipid longLabel UniProtKB covalently attached lipid groups sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track metal parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB metal longLabel UniProtKB metal ion binding site sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track modified_residues parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB mod-res longLabel UniProtKB modified residues sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track motifs parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB motif longLabel UniProtKB motif of interest sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track NP_binding parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB NP bind longLabel UniProtKB Nucleotide Phosphate binding sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track peptides parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB peptide longLabel UniProtKB active peptide sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track region parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB region longLabel UniProtKB region of interest sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track repeat parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB repeat longLabel UniProtKB repeated motifs or domains sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track signal parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB signal longLabel UniProtKB signal sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track site parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB site longLabel UniProtKB single amino acid site sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track topo_domain parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB topo-dom longLabel UniProtKB topological domain sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track transit parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB transit longLabel UniProtKB transit sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track transmembrane parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB transmem longLabel UniProtKB transmembrane sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track Zn_finger parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB Zn-fing longLabel UniProtKB Zinc finger sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track mutagen parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB mutagen longLabel UniProtKB Mutagen sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track helix parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB helix longLabel UniProtKB Helix sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track turn parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB turn longLabel UniProtKB turn sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track strand parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB strand longLabel UniProtKB strand sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track propep parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB propep longLabel UniProtKB propeptide sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track init_meth parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB init_meth longLabel UniProtKB initiator methionine sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track non_std_aa parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProtKB non_std_aa longLabel UniProtKB initiator methionine sequence annotations. visibility hide type bigBed 12 + itemRgb on searchIndex name urls annotationId=$$ uniProtId=$$ pmids=$$ mouseOverField position exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on track UP000005640_homo_sapiens_9606_proteome parent UniProtKBTracks on bigDataUrl shortLabel UniProt sequences longLabel UniProtKB reviewed proteome sequences. visibility dense type bigBed 12 itemRgb on searchIndex name,uniProtId urls uniProtId=$$ mouseOverField uniProtId exonNumbers off noScoreFilter off skipEmptyFields on