This dirctory contains the representative genome group(RGG) files. UniProt taxonomy ids are mapped to NCBI genome project ids and RefSeq project ids by extracting the common taxonomy ids whenever available. For the taxonomy ids that did not match the NCBI ids, the corresponding ids were manually mapped. When more than one genome mapped to the same taxonomy id, to facilitate the selection of the best representative genome the following criteria was used to rank the genomes, and the highest ranking genome was chosen- 1. presence of a RefSeq genome. 2. publications: The records which had more number of publications were selected. 3. citations: If the number of publications were identical then the record having more number of citations was chosen. File format for each rgg-x.txt (x=15, 35, 55 and 75) >rp_GP_id RefSeq_project_id NCBI_taxon_id NCBI_name UniProt_taxon_id UniProt_organism_code UniProt_name taxon_group score(PPS:IsRefP,#PMID,#PDB,#SP,#Entry) C(CUTOFF) RefP GP_id RefSeq_project_id NCBI_taxon_id NCBI_name UniProt_taxon_id UniProt_organism_code UniProt_name taxon_group score(PPS:IsRefP,#PMID,#PDB,#SP,#Entry) X_to_rp(X) RefP ... (terms are separated by a tab)